News Releases

Securing Critical Infrastructure
We are helping clients secure their critical generation, transmission and distribution facilities and equipment. As part of this critical infrastructure protection project, we are implementing access control and intrusion detection solutions at multiple operating companies across several states.

Smart Thermal Cameras Capabilities
We have entered into an agreement with Embedded Logix to supply and install smart cameras with thermal monitoring capabilities to our existing and potential customers. These cameras provide constant evaluation of areas and equipment for potential hot spots or fire.

Maintenance Capabilities and Outage Support
We have entered into an agreement with Jemkel Diagnostics, Inc. to provide maintenance services for power generating equipment before and during outages. These services include Predictive Maintenance using thermal and vibration equipment signatures to identify and repair operation anomalies in rotating machinery, including turbine and pumps, before catastrophic failure.

Comprehensive Physical Security Solutions Deployment for a Major Electric Utility
On behalf of a major investor-owned electric utility, we have been managing multi-million, multi-state and multi-year Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) projects to comply with FERC/NERC requirements.

Physical Security Solutions Deployment and Maintenance for a Mid-Western Energy Company
On behalf of a mid-western energy company, we have managed and maintained Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) projects to comply with FERC/NERC requirements. These projects involve the protection of generation assets at Nuclear and Fossil power plants.

All Plant Outage Review
The recommendations in the report and the implementation of the lessons learned will provide for more efficient future all plant outage work, decreased forced outages and increase the company’s overall operating capacity factor.
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